Globetel Oy has been offering low-priced and high quality international calls since 1997. You can start using Globetel international access code 99588 without registration. When using 99588 you will save up to 80 % compared to the traditional operators. The calls can be made from any Finnish fixed or mobile telephone just by dialing the access code 99588 in the following way:
99588 - country code - area code without first zero - telephone number.
For instance when calling to Geneva, Switzerland, dial: 99588 - 41 - 22 - 1234567
You can start using 99588 access code immediately. The calls will be invoiced on a monthly basis. Kindly see the price list in 99588 Ulkomaanpuhelut. If you have any difficulties with your 99588 international calls, please inform us about it to our service number 040-9525005.
Globetel has four types of mobile telephone connections available:
In addition calls abroad with these mobile telephone connections and access code 99588 are 50% cheaper than the normal 99588 prices. Please call customer service 09-2289100 or order via internet